Prenatal Classes

Upcoming Classes

Attend one of our private or group prenatal classes, offered virtually or in-person, for information and support to guide you on your parenthood journey.
sun and moon

Thriving in the Fourth Trimester

Private Class
Offered virtually or in-person

With the excitement that surrounds the arrival of your baby, the fourth trimester is often an afterthought, resulting in a stressful transition for new parents. This class is designed to equip you with the skills, knowledge, and confidence you need to make the postpartum period a positive experience. You will learn what to expect during the postpartum period, common challenges, and how to create a holistic plan to help you navigate them with ease.

Birth Basics: Childbirth Education For Not So Basic Parents

Two-Day Intensive
Offered virtually or in-person

This two-day childbirth intensive is designed to provide you with the most essential information and the most helpful tools for an empowering birth journey. You will learn about the stages of labor, relaxation techniques, comfort measures, medical interventions and more! You will gain the knowledge and skills you need to make informed decisions as well as advocate for your birth and postpartum choices.